
New Years

Some great memories from 2018

I am not one for setting resolutions at this time year however, I want to use this time to reflect on the past year.
As I look back it has been good one, filled many happy memories and personal achievements. It started out to be a lot harder than I expected. Though, as the year progressed everything became more and more sound. The challenges that I faced over the year reminded me of love I have for myself as well as all the things i want to work on.

Resonating Moments from this year include:
– My hubby and I reaching our one year anniversary. I am really proud of us for everything we accomplished this year, and everything we went through. I believe every relationship is it’s own relationship with it’s own challenges. There may be similarities in people relationships but they will never be the same, if simply because you are two individuals. I know that we are stronger for all challenges but we are also stronger and closer from all the good adventures and quite moments we shared this year. 2019 will be epic.

– Running the Calgary marathon (spring) and Chicago marathon (fall). Each of these races I found different parts challenging and unexpected. Training for two marathons in year strengthen my mental game. After finishing my second marathon I thought I would be able to take a couple weeks recharge and get back out there and be stronger than ever for the new year. However, life happened, things ended up getting busy and I also realized that my body and my mind needed a break from running. Over the course of December I started to run a little more regularly again and I started the new year, today with a nice long run. I can not wait to crush more running goals.

-I now have more consistent work schedule at the Children’s. I got a temp position on my favourite unit. Having a set number of shifts every month, for entire a year is really wonderful. Having worked as a casual float nurse in hospital for the past two years I really really appreciate being plan things out ahead of time now and not worry constantly about getting enough shifts each month. I found the consistently of working on the same unit as improved my nursing skills and made me a more confident nurse. Two things I hope will continue to grow over the next year.

-I started this blog. It was something I had talked about on and off for the past couple years. I had always been scared to put my thoughts out there. My husband continued to encourage me to do this and helped me sort out some more the technical aspects of it. I am really grateful for his support in this. I have really enjoyed sharing my thoughts over the past couple months. I want to look for more ways to reach more people as the year goes on. I also want to connect with those of you that are reading my blog and hear your thoughts 🙂

Happy New Year Everyone- may be it Wild and Free and filled with Happy Moments and Peace.

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