
Hitting the Weights

Well it is officially snowy winter running season out there!

As magical and pretty as the snow looked on Friday evening I was not looking forward to running outside. I opted to go the gym with my husband and to focus on strength training. Lifting weights can be intimidating, it helps to keep your focus on yourself and to remind yourself everyone has similar goals and is to busy doing there thing to worry about you are doing. 

I wanted to focus on my upper body as I find that can easily get neglected with running.
Warm up/Cardio:
25 mins of running on the track:
        1000 meters warm up pace slowly increasing to steady state pace.
        500 meters (1 lap) of high intensity interval pace. Without running with my Garmin at the gym I focused on how my body was feeling. I ran at 80-90% of max effort.
        500 meters (1 lap) steady state.
Alternating interval and steady state pace reaching x5 laps of each.
        1000 meters cool down at steady state to marathon pace for cool down. 

I typically superset parts of my upper body workouts. Why? More time efficient and it improves muscle endurance. You do not need to them do them in supersets to achieve a good workout; individually works great too.
          Lateral and front arm raises as superset: 10 reps of each x3 sets (I typically use lighter weight about 5 lbs less for these than I do for other sets)
          Bent over rows 10 reps x3 sets.
          Dumbbell chest pressand bicep curls 10 reps x3 sets
          Skull crushers 10 reps x3 sets. I switch up my hand placement with each set.

I cannot emphasize enough how important having a strong core is. If you are going to focus on one area of your body to improve-Core all the way. They are constantly being used throughout the day and in all types of workouts. They work as stabilizers, help protect your back, improve balance and not mention they look great. 
As I was focusing on upper body I just wanted to keep it simple and quick
Hanging leg raises:
        Straight leg raises 10 reps x3 sets.
        Bent knee forward/right/left side 10 reps (each) x3 sets.  

Now typically I would have ended my work out here, however my husband was still finishing up. I decided squats would be good way to round out the workout. Compound lifts are great for the body, working multiple muscle groups at one time. Primarily a squat will work out hamstrings, quadriceps, and gluteus. Additionally, you are working on your adductors/ abductors, core muscles, back and upper body.
It is good idea to do some warm up squats without weight prior to starting. It activates your muscle groups and reminds your body of the correct movement. Doing squats incorrectly is a fast way to injury. Once warmed up add the weight. it’s okay to start with the bar; do NOT feel like you need to be squatting 50 lbs on each side to do effective squats. Do what works for YOU.
        I did 15reps x4 sets. For the first set I started with a 5 lb weight on each side and moved up with to 15 lbs on each side once I felt comfortable with the movement and weight.  

I know you guys hear this multiple time but stretch when you are finished. KEY to staying INJURY FREE. If you are in rush or just cold post run-stretch in the shower – just get it done.